Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One blogger's position on global warming


The Global Warming theory -- or as it's more accurately put, the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory, has been a God-send ... or rather, a "Gaia-send", for this environmental religion. It has become the lightning-rod rallying point to justify action on practically every cause the faithful believes in. It gives them a powerful tool to curb industry, force conservation and preservation to their standards, stop drilling, curb human population and economic development. It is a powerful tool for socialists to put a regulator on capitalists to blunt the competitive advantage capitalism brings. It helps justify general loathing of the U.S. It argues for increased government regulation of our activities. And it just makes people feel good about themselves to feel like they are among the enlightened few telling everyone else how much better they are for caring. After all, who is going to argue for a hot, poisoned, dirty, ugly environment?

It appears from looking at actual data that the theory that even a small amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has a very large impact on Earth's average temperature is just wrong. It was an interesting hypothesis, perhaps even a respectable theory. But theories need to be backed up by testing and corroboration. Despite volumes of research, the main evidence for environmental catastrophe caused by increased CO2 levels is model output. And as Things I Know #3 states, models are not reality. Models are mathematical expressions of belief.

If your theory dictates that CO2 drives climate, then that belief will be expressed in the math of the model. It should be no surprise, then, that the model will predict that more CO2 will produce higher temperatures. Every year, however, the predicted massive increases in temperature are pushed farther and farther into the future as the data doesn't back the alarmism.

After years of the data not bearing that theory out, and research into the relationship between CO2 and global temperature in the past refuting that premise, a rational person would abandon that belief and look for one that fits reality better. But as is the case with most of the religiously over-zealous, Environmentalists don't. Because it's a matter of faith.


jer. said...

So what WOULD you say the cause of exponential global climate change in the past 40 years would be?

I like your exposure of people "feeling good" just by recycling a few cans (lol), but don't forget that America has a mixed economy, not a true capitalist system. Government regulation is important but has been abused to bail out failing business (my personal biggest issue.)

Ever wonder why suddenly in the past 2 years has "green" been an issue? Who's making ALL THIS MONEY on people "going green" They're going green alright, green with greed!

Tom said...

"So what WOULD you say the cause of exponential global climate change in the past 40 years would be?"

There has absolutely not been any "exponential climate change" over the last 40 years. We had warming early in the 20th century, then some cooling in the middle, then some warming late. We're now approaching one full decade of flat (or cooling) temperatures.

Note that these temperature fluctuations are not correlated with CO2.