Friday, December 21, 2007

Attenborough on the alleged "truth" about global warming

Around the net, I notice that some people are still impressed by this video of Sir David Attenborough, where he confuses climate models with reality:

Here's a screen shot, where the red line is supposed to be real observations, the yellow line is modeled climate with human influence, and the green line is the modeled temperature without human influence.

Even though Attenborough has a title and an accent, and even though they play scary music in the background, I'm not buying any of this.

I say no one really knows what that green line should look like; I say that the yellow line follows the red line only because it's fudged; and I say the red line is distorted upward in recent years by local heat biases, and when it's measured by satellite, it shows a flatline or even a decrease over the last decade.

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