Tuesday, January 08, 2008

California USHCN station surveys are complete


Of course NOAA did just about everything possible to prevent access, including pulling the station observer database last summer from public view. When I pointed out that NOAA/NWS published pictures of observers standing in front of their stations, along with their names and location, and that they publish a national quarterly newsletter with the same information, they changed their mind and put the database back online.

I understand the NWS wanting to protect privacy of observers, as they are volunteers. At the same time it would just be a lot easier if the NOAA/NWS would simply pitch in and help rather than throw out roadblocks. The goal is not to exposure observers, or their locations, but rather to accurately record the current (and past if possible) station measurement environment. That can be done without compromising privacy.

In fact it can be done far easier if NOAA/NWS would simply help. But given the questionable condition of some USHCN stations, I’m sure they view the project as an embarrassment. But it is our tax dollars at work, and the public right to know such information should supersede any government agency’s concerns.

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