Friday, January 18, 2008

How About Those Caribou?


Remember when the Alaska Pipeline was going to kill off all the caribou? Yep, it was going to hinder their migration and do all sorts of terrible things that would ultimately lead to the extinction of the noble caribou, according to the envronmeddlist "experts" who tried to derail construction of the pipeline.
From the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
In the 1970s people were concerned about the effect of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, expanding oil development, and increased disturbance from use of aircraft and snowmobiles on caribou. Although there was some displacement of caribou calving in the Prudhoe Bay oilfield, in general, caribou have not been adversely affected by human activities in Alaska. Pipelines and most other developments are built to allow for caribou movements, and caribou have shown us that they can adapt to the presence of people and machines. As human activities expand in Alaska, the great challenge for caribou management is for man to consider the needs of our caribou herds and ensure that they remain a visible, healthy part of our landscape.

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