Saturday, January 19, 2008

John McCain and Climate Change - Dispatch from SC


When he was in New Hampshire, McCain was all about talking about climate change - and educating the philistines (Barnett’s word, not mine) in the audience who still thought it was a myth. When students with global warming signs would show up the crowd, McCain would point them out, talk about cutting carbon, and ask the audience to give us a round of applause for “working on something important, something bigger than themselves.”
Well, that was New Hampshire. It’s a little bit different down here in South Carolina.
So instead of McCain talking about cutting carbon in New Hampshire apple-orchards, we get events like the one I went to this afternoon in Charleston, SC. Now, I’ve been to a lot of candidate events in the last 6 months, but never one on an aircraft carrier...But for McCain, it was a perfect opportunity to play up his military record and shout about, “Chasing Osama to the gates of hell!” And in the meantime, completely avoid the issue of climate change - he didn’t event talk about energy independence.

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