Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Maybe you can no longer just assume that "everyone" believes in your alarmism

See the post here.

I think it's significant that so many alarmists seem to be abandoning the "science is settled" argument. To many of them, it seems that their "best" fallback argument has become the Greg Craven one, which I summarize as "let's drastically alter the world's economy, just in case Al Gore isn't wrong".

Climate Skeptic responds to that one here:
He uses a number of examples, including car insurance. He argues that one buys car insurance without actually knowing if he is going to crash his car, or how much such a crash might cost. If I had to summarize my response to Mr. Craven, I would retort "Yes, but you wouldn't pay $35,000 for car insurance if you only had a $30,000 car?" Costs matter a lot, as does the magnitude of risk. They can't just be shuffled off to the side.

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