Thursday, January 24, 2008

More odd stuff from Rajendra Pachauri

Excerpt from this article:
Climate change is only part of a much larger problem, namely we are using nature's resources and ecosystems in a manner that is not going to allow the survival of these resources.

We've just been told that climate change is the biggest problem of all time, and now you're telling us that it's just part of a "much larger" problem?!

Note that very recently, Pachauri's "boss", U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, was quoted on climate change like this:
“The world’s scientists have spoken with one voice: the situation is grim and urgent action is needed,” Mr Ban said at a gathering of 190 countries on the Indonesian island of Bali. “The situation is so desperately serious that any delay could push us past the tipping point, beyond which the ecological, financial and human costs would increase dramatically. We are at a crossroads: one path leads to a comprehensive climate change agreement, the other one to oblivion.”
...and this:
"These scenes are frightening like science fiction movies.But they are even more terrifying because they are real and reversing these threats is the defining challenge of our age."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard he was it on his noggin by a big chunk of falling sky and it knocked the common sense right out of him.