Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Scott Pelley Still Hawking Worn-Out Hoax


CBS took the opportunity to denounce Bush for not signing the pointless economic suicide pact known as the Kyoto Protocol. Apparently the boobs running this network don't even know that Kyoto was nixed by the Senate 95-0 several years before W took office.

Tinfoil hat held securely in place against the chill arctic winds, Pelley muttered darkly about the White House censoring climate research to keep us in the dark about how it's actually too hot out.

Needless to say, the special didn't include a single skeptic, though they are becoming very easy to find.

1 comment:

Lemon said...

You Dog Tom, you beet me to it.

I found a story on Coyote Blog, was following it through and came to this:

If Scott Pelley has ever gotten to Antarctica, he would know that the main land mass, which is 1.5 times the size of the the US, is melting only a very small portion on the peninsula. In fact the main land mass is cooling and in 2007 was a record year for sea ice extent, as shown on the chart below. It is in the middle of summer in Antarctica and the ice extent remains well above the 28 year average and an impressive 3 million square kilometers above last year in January. Once again CBS's credibility is on the line, Antarctic is not melting and the penguins are stable.