Saturday, February 09, 2008

Global Warming; Is it for real or a farce?

From this post:
NASA and colleagues used a computer model developed with modern-era satellite data to look at the climate over the past 100 years. The study found cooler than normal tropical Pacific Ocean surface temperatures combined with warmer tropical Atlantic Ocean temperatures to create conditions in the atmosphere that turned America’s breadbasket into a dust bowl from 1931 to 1939. These changes in sea surface temperatures created shifts in the large-scale weather patterns and low level winds that reduced the normal supply of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and inhibited rainfall throughout the Great Plains. All the problems which caused The Dust Bowl went away and it was without Al Gore and there was no reduction of fuel consumption or any less factories or industrialisation. Simply put, some years are worse than others and there are other factors that come into play as well.

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