Thursday, February 21, 2008

Maryland's climate plan would be nation's least intelligent

From this article:
"We're hearing a lot of questions about whether these goals are realistic," Environment Secretary Shari Wilson told senators. She concluded the 90% goal is "very realistic" because new technologies will be invented.
But several union and industry groups opposed Pinsky's plan, saying Maryland workers would suffer. They predicted jobs would leave the state and nation if companies are forced to comply with carbon caps.

"I guarantee you people in Beijing are not sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what you're going to do so they can copy you," said Michael Powell, a lobbyist for a manufacturing industry group, the Maryland Industrial Technology Alliance.
More on Maryland's "strategy" is here:
The Maryland Commission on Climate Change (MCCC), written by the alarmist advocacy group, Center for Climate Strategies (CCS), inspired O’Malley and his legislative allies.

Examiner readers may remember that after much obfuscation from Air and Radiation Administration Director Tad Aburn, the Maryland Department of the Environment finally agreed to release public documents relating to CCS and the MCCC, but only at the cost of $1,381.

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