Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nice two-page flyer on carbon dioxide hysteria

See this two-page "Don't Tax Our Breath" flyer from "Minnesotans For Global Warming".

Check out the graph of carbon dioxide below, and then ponder the likelihood that this trace gas will kill "everybody".


Anonymous said...

I'm interested in knowing where this came from, who the source is, and what an average percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is. Because certainly, we can agree that the atmosphere has not increased, but CO2 has. Where is this accounted for?

Unknown said...

I don't think that the graph is capable of accounting for the change in CO2 levels in our atmosphere because, while the change might be "large" in terms of existing levels of CO2, CO2 has never ever been close to being 1% of our atmosphere. It's actually much closer to 0.04%.

The point of the graph is to show that, even though CO2 levels are rising, its rise will pretty much change nothing on a global scale since it is so insignificant.