Saturday, February 16, 2008

Gently tweaking your global "warming" hysteria pitch for people looking at high snowbanks

From this page:
[Sierra Club Executive Director Stephen Hazell] says with people in Grey Bruce and Simcoe looking at 4' high snowbanks, they need to understand global warming or climate change isn't simply about warmer temperatures.

He says while the global temperature is up a bit, the biggest change you will notice is wild weather, huge swings in temperatures.
As opposed to the Earth's previous 4.5 billion years, when temperatures always remained, you know, nicely stable.

1 comment:

Dan Pangburn said...

There is all this talk about the rise in carbon dioxide level causing global warming. To conclude this, one must ignore that the planet plunged in to the Andean-Saharan ice age 440 million years ago when the atmospheric carbon dioxide level was over ten times what it is now.