Monday, March 24, 2008

Ace of Spades weighs in


But what if -- just hear me out on this a second -- the Universe could actually give f**k-all about our carbon emissions? What if, horror of horrors, carbon dioxide (The Invisible Killer), the inevitable byproduct of industry and production and heating and farming and all those sinful, whorish human endeavors we engage in to keep ourselves alive and have a somewhat decent time while doing so, just wasn't that powerful a greenhouse gas at all?

You know-- what if it were one of the weakest greenhouse gases there is? As it, you know, actually in fact is?

What happens if there's no Natural-Forces God-Substitute at all to step in and punish us for living our happy, unconcerned, chubby and materialistic lives with all of our blithe production of carbon dioxide?

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