Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Helpful advice from the OECD

From this article:
It says that climate change can be contained to less than 2ºC as a global average - but green taxes or carbon trading schemes need to be applied to all energy sources in every country in the world as soon as possible.

Researchers say that it should be possible to contain global warming by pricing carbon at $2 a ton in 2008, around $50 in 2030 and $150 a ton in 2050. Doing it later will cost more.

That is the equivalent of placing a tax of $0.5 cents per litre on petrol in 2010, 12 cents in 2030 and 37 cents in 2050.
I'm not at all convinced that these people know what they're talking about.

Have they even read stuff like this or this?

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