Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Professor Plimer hits carbon dioxide doomsayers at Paydirt confab


Professor Ian Plimer, a renowned educator and author, told the Paydirt 2008 Uranium Conference in Adelaide today that the blame factor applied to CO2 in causing global warming was wrong.

The University of Adelaide Professor of Mining Geology said: "Humans have adapted to life on earth ranging from ice sheets to mountains to tropics and have survived far warmer and far colder climates than currently being experienced or forecast by the climate doomists.

"We need to be far more realistic and educative about where the CO2 comes from that we blame as the causative factor behind global warming.

"The human contribution is minor. The majority of CO2 in the crustal atmospheric layers comes from volcanoes, earthquakes, pulling apart of the ocean floor, metamorphism, hot flushes of the Earth, ocean degassing, plant bacteria and comets," he explained.

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