Monday, March 10, 2008

"those objections are just silly"


Update: Junk Science blog reacts here, in a post entitled "Whoa! Slow down there cowboy!":
They want to play the consensus line? Bad idea! Why not teach neo-Paganism in schools? After all, there’s a much larger consensus among neo-Pagans than the IPCC (about 1 million as opposed maybe a dozen chapter reviewers). The populist Al Gore-style climate change simply does not exist in the real world and no, it most definitely should not be taught in schools. Teach the global warming pseudo-religion and you open the door to creationists attempting to depose biology, organic foodies trying to insert themselves into real agriculture, chemical hysterics indoctrinating against vaccines… Climate hysteria is not science and should not be misrepresented as such to impressionable young minds. For all the PlayStation® climatology we still have zero evidence that increases in the essential trace gas CO2 constitutes any form of threat. We are all for teaching science but let’s leave it at actual science, no? Save religions like Climate Catastrophism for the seminary.

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