Thursday, April 03, 2008

At least 70% of British youth not buying into Gore's alarmism?

From this article:
You might think fears about the environment and terrorism are weighing heavy on the minds of the nations youth - but according to one new survey young Brits are more worried about debt.

The Youth Future Fears UK survey, conducted by Ipsos MORI and commissioned by UK volunteering charity CSV and Tesco, found that 48 per cent of all 16 to 25-year-olds rate debt as one of their biggest fears.

That compares with 40 per cent worrying about unemployment, 38 per cent losing sleep over violence crime, and a green 30 per cent placing the global warming top of their list of concerns.

1 comment:

Moses Gunner said...

Have any of you guys hear what the New Jersey Nets are doing to in the fight against global warming? Not only are there games now carbon-neutral, but they traded Jason Kidd to the Dallas Maveriks for the a “better environment” also. Julianne Waldron explained to the media that Kidd was giving off to much Carbon dioxide. “Jason Kidd always hustles when he is on the basketball court, and we all admire that greatly. But all of that running up and down the court, pushing the team out on fastbreaks, expending extra energy just to make a few extra points and possibly win a game, caused all of the players to breathe a great deal more heavily and thereby expel extra amounts of carbon dioxide into the air, and we all know that is bad for the environment. We made the difficult decision to trade Kidd in order to save the planet.” Check out this article I found on it Environmental Activism is the Key to the Current Success of the New Jersey Nets