Wednesday, April 02, 2008

London mayoral election (May 1) as a referendum on global warming

An interesting interview with London mayor Ken Livingstone is here.

Excerpt from the link above:
They discuss whether Ken Livingstone's bid to make the London mayoral race a green election will pay off and what his Tory rival, Boris Johnson, has to offer on the the environment.

John Vidal asks the London mayor about why he is behind in the polls if voters are as eco-conscious as he says they are. Is Ken's green ticket just too radical for most Londoners?
At about the 23:30 mark of the podcast, Livingstone uses phrases like "really damaging" and "terribly demoralizing" to describe the effects on alarmists if he were to be voted out of office.

At about the 26:50 mark, Livingstone says that after Bush leaves office, Boris Johnson would be "the most high profile politician anywhere in the English-speaking world still in denial [over global warming]".

At about the 27:30 mark, Livingstone refers to Boris as "in environmental terms, the Antichrist".

From yesterday's related Reuters article here:
Boris Johnson's lead in the opinion polls has narrowed but still remains in double figures over his nearest rival in the race for Mayor of London.

The Conservative candidate was two points down at 47 percent, while Labour's Ken Livingstone was static on 37 percent, the joint Evening Standard and ITV London Tonight poll showed.
More from Livingstone is here.

If I were running the country, tomorrow I'd ban plastic bags, I'd ban incandescent light bulbs. I'm quite prepared to have a nanny state if it means we survive. I'd rather have a nanny state and live than we all burn in some catastrophic climate change disaster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Goodbye to your second preference from me, Ken.