Wednesday, May 07, 2008

British Columbia: Deep fruit freeze devastates Okanagan orchards Deep fruit freeze devastates Okanagan orchards
On the Naramata Bench, halfway down Lake Okanagan, Miranda Halladay says she and other apricot growers have lost about 90 per cent of the crop, and she remained unsure of her cherry yield. The co-owner of Elephant Island Orchard Wines said they will make up the shortfall by purchasing from other growers elsewhere in the region.

"We're waiting to see how things settle out with the cherries. They look to be okay, but we're just finishing up on blossom, and the fruit isn't really expressing itself at this point," she said. "The cold snap was unprecedented. The blossoms that were out when it snowed all turned brown. It was like a bad science-fiction movie."

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