Friday, June 06, 2008

The ‘Global Warming’ Mad House

Global Warming Politics 
This is absolutely mind-blowing! Here is a Government Minister seemingly using the excuse of ‘global warming’ to prevent the progress of train travel. My, the Fat Controller has truly lost his top hat this time. What about all the folk who would move from plane to train? What about the severe overcrowding on our Inter-city services? What about the known demand for such services? And, why should the UK lag so far behind the rest of Europe where fast rail is concerned? France alone has over 1,000 miles of high-speed track, with more planned.

With this little bit of ministerial gerrymandering, we have surely plumbed the ‘global warming’ nadir. Not only is every type of weather, from drought to flood, to be caused by ‘global warming’, ‘global warming’ is now the portmanteau excuse of the Government to do either nothing or something. The argument works anyway it wishes.

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