Monday, June 30, 2008

Milloy on Hansen and McCain - Junk Science: Where's McCain’s 'Fuel Cell Express'? - Opinion
Bereft of science, Hansen was left to do what he does best — act the drama queen, as he did in 2006 when he likened the Bush administration to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union for reviewing his public presentations before he made them.

"CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of the long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature," Hansen said this week.

"Since his appearance on the Hill 20 years ago, Hansen had lost most of his hair; the few remaining strands, suspended over his head by static electricity or some other force, gave him a crazy-professor look," the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reported after Hansen’s encore performance.

Hey, Dana, it might not just be a "look."
Later in the week, McCain proposed to green the government by buying more fuel-efficient vehicles. But while fuel-efficient vehicles certainly exist, they tend to cost much more than the fuel savings they produce.

Hybrid cars aren’t cost-effective unless gas costs around $10 per gallon or the cars are driven more than 65,000 miles per year. FedEx Corp., owner of the largest fleet of hybrid trucks, has publicly admitted that the trucks aren’t cost-effective. The cost of Santa Clara, Calif.'s fuel cell buses is a staggering $51.66 per mile as compared to $1.61 per mile for a diesel bus.

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