Friday, June 06, 2008

Stephen Harper should call the Kyoto accord what it is -a train wreck

The Daily Observer - Ontario, CA
Could Prime Minister Stephen Harper or Environment Minister John Baird please explain what they mean when they say Canada continues to be a participant in the Kyoto accord?

How can we be a participant when the PM has said we cannot do what Kyoto requires of us -lower our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by an average of six per cent below 1990 levels between now and 2012?

We're 29.1 per cent above our Kyoto target. Achieving that target is the point of Kyoto.

So what, exactly, are we participating in?

Yes, the Liberals are hypocrites for ratifying Kyoto and then doing zilch to implement it.

Yes, Liberal Leader Stephane Dion supports a carbon tax he once opposed.

But the Conservatives have been no more coherent.

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