Monday, June 16, 2008

Why Your "Skeptical" Comment on Climate Change Got Deleted

WorldChanging: Why Your "Skeptical" Comment on Climate Change Got Deleted
Climate "skepticism" is not a morally defensible position. The debate is over, and it's been over for quite some time, especially on this blog.

We will delete comments which deny the absolutely overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change, just as we would delete comments which questioned the reality of the Holocaust or the equal mental capacities and worth of human beings of different ethnic groups. Such "debates" are merely the morally indefensible trying to cover itself in the cloth of intellectual tolerance.


Anonymous said...

You are a total jerk. I suggest you learn something about scientific methods and debate. I presume you will delete this and other such comments as they will interfere with your "global warming" propaganda. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Coronado, CA

Anonymous said...


My sincere apology for the "you are a total jerk" comment. My comment was intended for the author of "Why Your Skeptical Comment on Climate Change Got Deleted" - not you.

I followed a link from climate-skeptic, mistakenly believing that I was linking to the author.

After discovering my mistake, I visited YOUR site and I must say thank you for all your good work.

Coronado, CA