Saturday, July 19, 2008

BBC to broadcast CO2-phobic "Burn Up"--a thriller by the guy who wrote "The Full Monty"

Will BBC2's new thriller charm us into taking notice of climate change? - Features, Film & TV - The Independent
In his research, Beaufoy interviewed everyone from the chief executives of oil companies to the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and representatives of Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. He says: "There isn't a more important issue in the world than global warming. Even the Cold War and the Bay of Pigs crisis were notional threats. A warming planet isn't a threat – it's happening.

"But I'm still aware that it's potentially a very dry subject. Dealing with a gas you can't see makes it very difficult for a writer. It's like writing Spooks without any terrorists. So I had to tackle the subject through the characters; that's always the way in to any issue. I thought a thriller seemed the appropriate genre, given the devious, underhand way so many oil companies have behaved."
More on the show is here.

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