Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hennessy: More on Hansen’s Fraud

More on Hansen’s Fraud
In so doing, McIntyre exposed Hansen as a fraud. No reasonable person could conclude that Hansen was simply wrong, that he overlooked something. As I said, Hansen has a lifetime of work depending on global warming’s worst case scenario. He wouldn’t overlook a thing.

But were he to find, deep in the crevasses of his data, that his apocalyptic conclusions are wrong, that CO2 does not force catastrophic climate change, that the earth’s warm spell of the last 100 years was mild compared to others, that a cool spell, not more heating, is upon us–if Hansen digested all of these things, then he would have to conclude that his 20 years of ranting make him a failure in what’s become his life’s work.

Given the choice of owning up to error or lying through data, it’s pretty clear that Hansen lied. He lied about temperatures in the 1930s, and he lies, every day, about temperatures today. He gives cred to radical politicians who crave your freedom the way a vampire craves your blood. He advocates a new, global theocracy built on the phony religion of environmental whackness. He advocates riots to change the laws before nature proves him wrong.
For the sake of your freedom and your children’s freedoms, stop James Hansen. I called Hansen out big time, and I’m just a computer geek. Perhaps more scientists will take a chance and expose Hansen for the fraud he is.

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