Thursday, July 03, 2008

If Exxon wasn't so evil, we'd all be living in these floating utopian cities right now

Pictured: The floating cities that could one day house climate change refugees | Mail Online
Power will be provided through a series of renewable energy sources including solar, thermal, wind energy, hydraulic and a tidal power station.

The city will actually produce much more energy than it consumes and be entirely 'zero-emission' as all the carbon-dioxide and the waste will be recycled.
Update: From a post entitled "OMG, The Liberals Want To Build An Ark Against Global Warming!":
The lunacy of the left never stops! This is what happens when you watch too much TV and don’t study math and science enough - you become fools running a fools’ errand. Think about it. If the far right claimed the end of the world was nigh and it was time to build an ark to save mankind from a pending world wide flood the liberals and media would have a field day. And rightfully so!

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