Friday, July 11, 2008

NASA "climatologist" 'not interested' in defending own views on global warming at W&M

NASA climatologist 'not interested' in defending own views on global warming at W&M - News
"I was truly taken aback by Dr. Hansen's refusal to debate Dr. Michaels," said Mr. Katz. "I gave Dr. Hansen a blank check to come to the College, and still he refused. Dr. Hansen's suggestion that oil executives who advance global warming skepticism be tried for 'crimes against humanity' and subsequent refusal to debate one of the most prominent academic skeptics is suspicious and unfortunate, to say the least. I still continue to hope that Dr. Hansen realizes the error of his decision and does eventually decide to debate Dr. Michaels. The William and Mary community deserves an open and honest debate about the implications of climate change."

1 comment:

April E. Coggins said...

More invitations like this one need to be extended. The hoaxers can't possibly back up their claims and they know it.

Welcome back, Tom. BTW, we had a record low temp in Pullman, WA this morning. Global cooling is underway.