Saturday, July 12, 2008

Public not being told the whole truth about global warming

Public not being told the whole truth about global warming
In 2006, there were predictions in the media that global warming would cause 2007 to be the hottest year on record.

Now think about it, what have you read in the media in 2008 about this? Well, nothing actually. Why?

Well, the answer is simple – because 2007 turned out to be the coolest year recorded for the last 30 years. This, the public was not told.

The public was also not told that, since the warm year of 1998, there has been continuous cooling. What the public is told is that, during the twentieth century, there was a global temperature increase of 0,6 oC.

This is true, but what is left out is that most of the warming took place from 1920 to 1940 and that global temperature fell from 1940 to 1970, prompting announcements in the mid 1970s that a global ice age was about to pounce on us.

During all this, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere continued to rise. In fact, atmospheric carbon dioxide (C02) continued to increase after 1940, while atmospheric cooling was taking place. Should that not make people think a bit?

Should people not ponder the issue of whether the theory that man-made C02 is responsible for global warming is actually correct?

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