Sunday, July 27, 2008

Scientists who study the Earth's climate say humans are making it warmer • Scientists who study the Earth's climate say humans are making it warmer
Syun-Ichi Akasofu, the founder and former director of the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, challenges this thinking.

Akasofu, a physicist specializing in the aurora borealis, points out that the Earth has been warming for nearly 200 years -- since before humans started burning lots of fossil fuels -- and argues that most of the recent warming is natural. He says some of the warming is probably from changes in solar radiation and some from changes within the climate system.

“There are so many times the Earth was warmer than now, or colder than now,” he said last fall. “We are not affecting the climate change.”
Carbon dioxide now makes up three or four molecules in every 10,000 molecules of air. With six molecules, or twice as much carbon dioxide as there was before the Industrial Revolution, scientists estimate the Earth would be about 3.5 to 8 degrees warmer than now.

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