Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yet another admission that this is really not about CO2

Daily Kos: Global Warming is Fogging the Main Issue
Although global warming is a critical problem that needs to be acted on immediately, it has predominated the public discourse ignoring the real problem plaguing the planet. The whole spectrum of current problems such as deforestation, depletion of safe water, toxic pollution and destruction of the oceans all stem from one cause; namely overconsumption.
As we consume more, the more these problems will worsen until we reach a threshhold beyond which further consumption will trigger cataclysmic disasters. We have a choice either to change our lifestyles now or wait until there is a severe shortage of clean water, the effects of global warming have rendered life on the planet very difficult to sustain, or until there are severe shortages in the food supply and people are fighting over it.


Anonymous said...

Even more frightening is the comments posted in the link. You emphasized (as did the article) overconsumption but at least half the comments emphasized overpopulation. But of course, if they were really concerned about population they'd either commit suicide or sterilize themselves and insist their family and friends do likewise. As P.J. O'Rourke put it, "plenty of me, way to much of you". Or as I like to call it, the last 'politically-correct' form of racism.

Anonymous said...

A significant number of Greens are concerned about "over" population.

Paul Ehrlich for example.