Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BC: Climate hysteria ignores bigger problems
Does it really matter if the government uses propaganda and faulty analysis on its global warming crusade? After all, it's "doing something" about the environment, right?

But spending billions of dollars to little or nothing 100 years from now is a questionable use of resources.

1 comment:

Larry Sheldon said...

"But spending billions of dollars to little or nothing 100 years from now is a questionable use of resources."

Am I truly the only one on the plant that thinks that think is about the worst possible.

Restated, it says to me: "Of the choices available, the worst outcome is that we will have pissed money down a rat hole that might have been used for other, useful things."

I am very sorry. That is not the worst possible outcome.

The worst possible (and I personally think the most likely) outcome is that we will spend trillions of dollars making matters a great deal worse.

"Doing Nothing" is far preferable.