Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bravo, Tom McClintock

His Record Doesn't Lie: Tom McClintock - Colfax
Tom McClintock has long enjoyed a reputation for being a straight-shooting, principled conservative. You may not believe what he believes, but you usually get a sense that he knows what he's talking about. That's why people [here]were stunned when McClintock, in a speech to the Western Conservative Politcal Action Conference, called global warming a "farce." In a rant against environmentalists he blasted the state's new greenhouse emissions law, saying it would hurt industry and (get this) even cause starvation in the world.

Republican supporters said McClintock "seems to be in a time warp. The most recent PPIC poll shows that even 60 percent of Republicans see an immediate need to tackle global warming (82 percent of independents did too). McClintock didn't do himself any favors on this one. He's just handed Democrats and even his likely 2010 Republican gubernatorial primary opponent, Steve Poizner, an issue to campaign on, making it even easier to paint McClintock as an extremist out of touch with California values."

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