Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC: Greening is Believing

Ah, Planet Gore. Where 150 mpg cars grow on trees and the wind blows all day
Led by the governor of the state with the nation’s highest unemployment rate, Democrats spent Tuesday night describing a socialist green paradise where government decrees energy markets and creates “5 million new jobs.”

We just ask you to believe,” said Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of Energy Federico Peña — echoing Peter Pan’s primer on flying, the line that best summed up the evening. (Though a close Number Two was Peña’s revelation that America is addicted to oil, begging his stunned question: “How did this happen?!” He then explained it was a result of the last eight years of Bush & Big Oil — as if the U.S. ran on hydrogen in the good ol’ days when he was the Energy Secretary.

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