Monday, August 11, 2008

EU CO2 hysterics could harm Kenya's small scale organic farmers

Business Daily Africa - Flower exporters face new food miles threat
August 12, 2008: Kenya’s horticulture industry is facing a new market access threat as the European Parliament prepares to vote on a new law that would see aviation included in the continental emissions trading scheme (ETS).

The law, which has been on the cards for nearly two years, comes before Parliament for a vote later this month and could be implemented in 2010 if passed.

It will force EU retailers to give preference to agricultural produce that has not been airlifted to meet their obligations under the ETS.

This means that a British supermarket would, for instance, give preference to flowers from the Netherlands that can be transported to its outlets by rail over Kenya’s air freighted consignments.

Most of Kenya’s horticultural exports are produced organically by small scale farmers and are freighted in passenger air craft to foreign markets.

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