Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jennifer Marohasy: Polar Bears Can Survive where there is no Summer Sea Ice: A Note from Nichole Hoskin
Interestingly there is no summer sea ice in western Hudson Bay in the Canadian Arctic and there are polar bears.

According to polar bear experts, Douglas Clark and Ian Stirling (1998), “The polar bear population that inhabits western Hudson Bay spends the period from late July through early November on shore because the annual ice melts completely.”
Jennifer Marohasy: 7000 Year Climate Record Shows Century-Long Doughts in North America and 1500 Year Solar Cycle
A stalagmite in a West Virginia cave has yielded the most detailed geological record to date on climate cycles in eastern North America over the past 7,000 years. The new study confirms that during periods when Earth received less solar radiation, the Atlantic Ocean cooled, icebergs increased and precipitation fell, creating a series of century-long droughts.
Jennifer Marohasy: Sea Surface Temperatures of the Oceans Surrounding Australia - A Note from Bob Tisdale
The effects of ENSO events on SST trends are obvious once we're reminded of them. Keep in mind that it is not only the frequency of El Nino and La Nina events but also the magnitude of those events that must be considered during discussions of their impacts on global or local climate.

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