Thursday, August 28, 2008

Shell's ex-president presses on
Hofmeister also returned to a favorite theme from his Shell days: Climate change is an ideological argument that won't be won.
SN&R > Local Stories > What’s driving global warming? > 08.28.08

Ask most Americans what causes global warming, and they’ll point to a coal-plant smokestack or a car’s tailpipe. They’re right, of course, but perhaps two other images should be granted similarly iconic status: the front and rear ends of a cow.
CongressNow: Democrat Dingell writes a global warming bill - Roll Call
“I’ve been trying to warn everybody there’s going to be a huge cost increase, and I’ve gotten a rich flow of denunciation for that,” he said. “Let’s be honest, cap-and-trade is going to result in a very significant increase in energy prices.”
Tensions erupted early in 2007, when the newly installed Speaker announced that she was creating a special committee to address global warming. The famously turf-conscious Dingell memorably labeled the panel “as useful as feathers on a fish” and successfully pressed to have it stripped of any legislative authority. The two clashed again last summer, when Dingell released draft legislation that would block Pelosi’s home state of California from regulating greenhouse gases from automobiles, the mainstay industry of Dingell’s district.
Despite the outlook for a more favorable political climate, Dingell, in an interview, was characteristically candid about how he gauges the odds of success on global warming legislation during the next Congress. “I don’t have the vaguest idea,” he said. “I can only say that traditionally, that kind of legislation has only passed when it’s been done in a bipartisan fashion.”

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