Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Improving" your Corvette

After adding 900 pounds of batteries, you can convert a car that did 149 mph into an electric car that does 30 mph (with an unspecified driving range)!

And depending on where you plug it in, the modified car may get its energy from a distant coal-fired power plant!

A plug-in Corvette? You bet, St. Louis Park man says -
The car is powered by 13 lead, 12-volt batteries. They weigh 70 pounds each and are tucked under the hood and in the trunk for balance.

The gas tank is gone, of course. But in a nice touch, Shoop hid the socket for the electric plug underneath the gas cap cover.

The '87 Corvette was designed to reach 149 mph and do zero to 60 in 6.3 seconds, according to motoring magazines of the day. When Shoop took the Volt Vette on its inaugural drive in May, top speed was 30 mph.

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