Friday, September 12, 2008

Australia: 18 Council candidates are asked The Question

Candidates face the community - Local News - News - General - Bega District News
ABC presenter Tim Holt then asked each of them three questions: Had they accepted donations for their campaigns, were they aligned to a political party and were they climate change believers or skeptics.

None of those present said they had or would accept money, while a few said they were members of political parties.

As far as climate change was concerned, there were several true believers – the Greens especially – but there were others who appeared to be non-committal, saying they knew it was happening but didn’t know to what extent.

However, all the candidates spoke of their desire to see less energy used and that waste in any form was unacceptable.
John Magnuson: Fool or fraud?
John Magnuson, co-chair of a state task force on global warming, told attendees that global warming has disrupted weather patterns in Wisconsin, including causing more frequent rainstorms.

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