Friday, September 12, 2008

Betsy Taylor: Obama and McCain: Silent on Climate Change
Barack Obama and John McCain are ignoring the biggest news event in human history. They aren't alone. Very few media outlets are reporting the news either.

On August 31, NASA released photos showing the North Pole has become an island for the first time in the past 125,000 years. (Please read that line again, look at the NASA image, and let it penetrate.)...

This week I sat in more than one meeting where environmental groups and Hill staffers wondered if we should stop talking about climate change and instead only talk about clean energy, gas prices and green jobs. These things are vital but they don't communicate what is really going on. Will we ever transcend the defensive habits of the Left and work to set the agenda? If McCain and Obama don't address the scale and urgency of global warming, on what basis will we insist that they live up to their campaign commitments and to take bold action next year? We are about to go down, people.

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