Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Big bets on CO2 hysteria

Carbon offset developer raises $280 million: source | Environment | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - Sindicatum Carbon Capital has raised $280 million from U.S. endowment funds and a Dubai sovereign wealth fund, Istithmar, to fund carbon emissions cuts around the world, a source close to the deal said on Tuesday.

Global trade in carbon offsets depends on supportive climate change policies, and allows countries and companies in the developed world to pay others to cut greenhouse gas emissions on their behalf.
Istithmar had supplied a quarter of the money, and unnamed U.S. endowment funds, foundations and fund-of-fund pension funds had supplied the bulk of the rest.
Research by Environmental Finance Publications two weeks ago found 80 carbon funds worldwide, with assets under management of $12.87 billion, up 63 percent year-on-year.
Has some of this money funded Al Gore's $300 million Alliance for Climate Protection campaign?

If not, what IS the source of that $300 million?

Is Andy Revkin interested in answering these questions?

Say there was a $300 million climate realist ad campaign out there. Would Revkin have any interest in investigating the source of THAT funding?

1 comment:

al fin said...

A lot of alumnists will be very interested to know if their university's endowment fund is tied up in this gigantic boondoggle.

It might be worth digging up the contributor's names and giving them wide exposure.