Tuesday, September 02, 2008

But how many solar iPod charges equal one private plane flight?

The green room Sam Branson
[Q] What is your biggest guilty green secret?

I travel quite a lot - it's not a secret. Obviously, I generally fly Virgin [his father is Sir Richard Branson], which offers offsetting, and I always do that.

[Q] Do you know your carbon footprint?

No. I do think people should be aware of their carbon impact, but I've got no idea what mine is.
[Q] If you could buy any green gadget, what would it be?

When I went to the Arctic I bought a solar charger for my iPod. It takes a few hours: you just have to lie it out in the sun and keep tilting it as the sun moves across the sky. Then you're sweet to go.
[Q] What would you save, apart from your family and friends, come the floods?

I need to keep myself entertained so I'd have to take my guitar. I'd sit on the roof and jam for a while.

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