Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Global Warming Scam: False data : The British National Party News
What is doubly worrying about this latest orchestrated environmental scare is that (a) the data that is claimed to underpin the “science” is often seen to be either erroneous or fraudulent and (b) the demonstrable effects of variations in energy output from our sun on our weather - which has been responsible for the series of hot and cold spells in our climate since the beginning of the world - is deliberately being ignored by the promoters of the “Greenhouse Effect”.

Furthermore, we need to ask ourselves why it is that certain political and corporate “camps” are so keen to de-industrialise the Western World? We know, of course, that some interests (wind farm industry for instance) are making a lot of money out of the scam – but what, we wonder, is the larger political picture?
(Via CO2 Sceptics)

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