Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hansen takes another fossil-fueled jaunt to fight trace amounts of natural atmospheric gas

World's "leading" climate scientist to appear as a witness at the Kingsnorth trial | Greenpeace UK
Just a quick blog to break the news: the world's leading climate scientist, Professor James Hansen - a director of NASA - is going to appear tomorrow afternoon as a defence witness in the Kingsnorth trial.

Professor Hansen is Al Gore's science adviser and a former adviser to the White House on climate change. I'll be reporting on his statement to the court tomorrow.
Coal: the Kingsnorth Six on trial | Greenpeace UK
On Monday, six brave Greenpeace souls will be appearing at Maidstone Crown Court for the start of a trial centring around Kingsnorth, coal and climate change.

In October last year, they took a personal stand to protect the environment and climbed to the top of the smokestack at Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent.

Now, the Kingsnorth Six (Ben Stewart, Emily Hall, Huw Williams, Kevin Drake, Tim Hewke and Will Rose) are being prosecuted for criminal damage.


10ksnooker said...

I wonder how criminal damage figures into climate change ... With the leftists alarmists, it really gets weird.

papertiger said...

Yeah. I wonder when Jimmy became a climate scientist.
Last time I checked the wikipage Jimmy was an astronomer with delusions of being a savior.