Friday, September 12, 2008

Incredibly stupid stuff from US Representative Carol Shea-Porter

NH INSIDER- Your Source for NH Politics - Press Releases - NRCC - Carol Shea-Porter's Floor Remarks on Energy
What I find particularly disturbing is that for eight years we've had two oil men in the white house with no energy policy, and my colleagues on the other side have sat silent for two long years, nothing since I’ve been here talking about it, eight years since President Bush has come into office, and suddenly in the waning years of the hours of this session they are now talking about an energy policy.

Well, I certainly welcome them to this. I think we do need an energy policy.

I wish they had started talking about an energy policy eight long years ago...
Um, Carol? They actually were talking about this eight long years ago. Where were you?


susanthe said...

Tom - you said: "Yet, those proposals went nowhere — not approved in 2001, not in 2002, not in 2003, not ever. Bush tried repeatedly to get something through Congress. He pleaded. He tried to cut deals with Democrats. It didn't work."

The Republicans had control of the House and the Senate for 6 of the last 8 years. The Democrats had nothing to do with this failure you are lamenting.

The Republicans have shown no leadership at all in the area of our energy issues. Conservation would have made a great impact, yet there was no move to conserve energy, to weatherize homes, to even increase CAFE standards.

If you're going to indulge in finger waving, at least wave that finger responsibly, please.

Tom said...

No, actually I didn't say that. Investors Business Daily did.