Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Interview: “Scared to Death” Authors Talk With Chilling Effect (Video; Part 2)
In part II, we hear about the European Union and its power in the global warming debate. We also hear about the many follies of wind technology and the influence we’re seeing on it in the U.S presidential race. The authors also deconstruct the IPCC, talk about the history of “the hockey stick” and discuss changing public sentiments on climate change.
AFP: UN climate panel re-elects Rajendra Pachauri as chairman
GENEVA (AFP) — The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said Tuesday it has re-elected chairman Rajendra Pachauri for a second term.
Bravo, New Zealand's Rodney Hide: Climate Change Bill attacked in Parliament
National's climate change spokesman, Nick Smith, said the Government was rushing it through with reckless irresponsibility.

"This bill has huge implications for every household and every business in this country," Dr Smith said.

"Don't do this to our Parliament, don't risk New Zealand's reputation with such shonky law-making."

Dr Smith said the Government was proposing making 785 amendments to the bill during its committee stage, and he doubted most Labour MPs had read or understood them.

ACT leader Rodney Hide said climate change and global warming was a hoax.

"The data and the hypothesis do not hold together," he said.

"Al Gore is a phoney and a fraud on this issue and the emissions trading scheme is a worldwide scam and a swindle."

Mr Hide said enacting the legislation would cost New Zealand dearly by driving up the cost of basic goods and ruining businesses and farmers.

"The impact is truly shocking...all we have is a computer model, the answers are written on assumptions."

United Future leader Peter Dunne said there was no need to ram the bill through Parliament just to satisfy the Government's agenda.

"No harm would be caused by deferring it by six months. It deserves greater attention and we should deal with it in a calm and rational manner," he said.

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