Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Links to three different Tom Friedman videos

Friedman's big point seems to be that if governments intentionally make traditional energy expensive enough, someone will invent some Utopian "Magical Energy Bean"-type solution soon (in one of the videos below, he suggests this might happen in five years). He doesn't seem to realize that free markets already provide absolutely enormous financial incentives for the pursuit of viable new energy solutions.

If governments imposed huge new taxes on cancer treatment, does it follow that someone would then find a cure for cancer in the next five years?

The Mustache on David Letterman | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist
Father greed trumps mother nature.
Thomas Friedman Wants the New Rallying Cry for Global Warming to be “Invent, Invent, Invent!” (Brokaw interview, Meet the Press)
Friedman has a lot of interesting things to say involving the global evolution of industry - he even says that China should take its time and be as dirty as it wants as it build its industry.
Friedman talks about alleged "global weirding" on Letterman

(Tom Friedman claims to believe in catastrophic global warming, but I think he's got some doubts. For one thing, he just seems too comfortable with the idea that "climate change" might be a hoax.)

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