Saturday, September 13, 2008

Now that he works for the EPA, MATT BOGOSHIAN sort of buys into global warming hysteria
One difference now is that we think about doing things differently a lot more than we used to. Hey, it's a start. We did go down to two cars, getting rid of a few clunkers; we changed out most of our light bulbs with fluorescents, we planted a couple of trees, we wear more sweaters than we used to and actually try to car pool and take a train once in a while. I like the part of trying to buy local food but we often get caught like deer in the headlights trying to decide between buying local for more money versus buying cheaper, prettier products that aren't as good for the environment. It's a challenge every time we shop and I usually err on the side of going for the cheaper product - a step at time.

The bottom line is that our greenhouse gas sins are many, but since we are all sinners and in this together, I don't feel so bad so long as I repent and try to do my best.
Kingsnorth on Kingsnorth
The difficulty with the climate change narrative has always been how big it is. The idea that turning on your kettle helps to drown polar bears has never really sunk in with many people at any level beyond the theoretical. Maybe – just maybe – the Kingsnorth verdict, with the full weight of the law backing it up, will make that link clearer in our minds. If it does, perhaps all that persecution will have been worth it.

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