Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tim Ball: Radical environmentalists part of economic meltdown
Enron has become synonymous with corporate corruption and a major part of that was with the shell game that are carbon credits. They and British Petroleum (BP) exploited the environmental issue of alternative energy and carbon credits before global warming was even a full-blown myth in the public domain. Before the company collapsed under the weight of financial scandal, Enron under CEO Ken Lay was a key proponent of the cap-and-trade idea. So was BP’s Lord John Browne, before he resigned last May under a cloud of personal scandal. In August 1997, Lay and Browne met with President Bill Clinton and Vice President Gore in the Oval Office to develop administration positions for the Kyoto negotiations that resulted in an international treaty to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. In his book, The Green Wave (Capital Research Center, 2006), author Bonner Cohen notes that the companies expected to profit handsomely from the Kyoto global warming treaty by creating the worldwide trading network in which industries would buy and sell carbon emissions credits. Source: Foundation Watch, Capital Research Center, “Al Gore’s Carbon Crusade: The Money and Connections Behind It.” By Deborah Corey Barnes

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