Sunday, October 05, 2008

Australia: New Chief Scientist Penny Sackett is repeatedly prodded to make alarmist statements, but she offers only muted responses

Professor Penny Sackett - ABC Sydney (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
There is no doubt that some questions require us to invest very focused sums of money on particular critical issues and climate change is amongst those.

But to imagine that an issue of such critical importance as climate change to all of humanity one not simply this year and next year, but for hundreds of years to come should not involve basic research into understanding how the atmosphere works, how the atmosphere talks to the oceans of the earth is naive.

And so indeed rather than thinking about this as an argument between two possible ways forward, we have to build a web of integrated solutions that ensures that 10 years from now, 20 years from now we have the basic understanding to refine our choices, our policy choices going forward.

1 comment:

Simon from Sydney said...

Interesting interview. One of Prof Sackett's comments is particularly encouraging:

"On an issue such as climate change, science must be at the core of policy decisions."

That's certainly not the case in Australia at the moment, where hype, alarmism and political motivations are at the core of policy decisions.

I sincerely hope that Professor Sackett has the guts to stand up for her principles.