Tuesday, October 07, 2008

But perhaps the termite "problem" could be solved by a $100 trillion UN-run effort to coat all trees worldwide with mercury?

MaxRedline: The Evironmentally-Consious Meat
Unfortunately, as mentioned before, the primary biological emitter of methane are neither cows nor sheep - but termites.

Termites are prodigious farters, and it's almost all methane - a byproduct of their digestive systems that are exclusively cellulose-based. There are so many termites on the planet that elimination of the entire cattle and sheep industries would have little effect upon atmospheric methane.

Taken on a pound-for-pound measure, there are more termites than all species of mammals combined. That's impressive. And termites don't seem to get worked up much over "Anthropogenic Global Warming". Maybe it's because AGW doesn't exist. Maybe it's because global climate issues just don't bother them all that much. They've been farting around on the planet far longer than you have. And they'll continue doing so long after you're gone.

If you think you're going to "Save The Planet" by recycling more, using compact fluorescent bulbs, using only one square of toilet paper at a time, or driving a Prius - you're sadly mistaken.
(Via Skeptics Global Warming)

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